Frequently Asked Questions

What is the delivery Time?

We provide shipping throughout Pakistan through TCS, Leapord, Call Couriers, M&P Logistics, Swyft Courier & Express Courier Link. Deliveries can take 3-5 business days

Can I cancel my order?

You can cancel your order before the item is shipped.

Can I return the product?

We do not accept returns for online orders.

What is the Exchange Policy?

If you receive a damaged or defective item from an online order, you can exchange it for another product. Please follow these steps:Contact Us: Email us at within 7 days of receiving your order to inform us about the issue and obtain approval.Return the Item: Once approved, return the item to our store. Include the original receipt with the item.Exchange Process: After we receive the returned item, we will process your exchange and send the replacement product.

How shall I make a payment?

Following are the payment option 1. Cash On Delivery 2. Card payment (Visa Debit/Credit, Master Debit/Credit) 3.Bank Deposit.